How To Combat . Google Reviews
Many businesses have fallen victim to Google’s review filters, resulting in vanishing Google Reviews. The filter’s goal is to remove fake positive reviews leaving only accurate reviews for customers to read.
However, when the filters work too well, the business suffers. Review acquisition is essential for gaining local visibility, competition, and customer relationship-building. If a business owner is experiencing the improper removal of reviews, there are tips to help with the issue.

Tips to help keep your legitimate reviews:
Giving feedback and reaching out to the support team is essential; this may help you and provide an incentive for Google to fix the issue in the long run.
Whenever a huge number of reviews are given to a business, the filter will flag it as suspicious. Try asking customers to leave reviews in smaller numbers rather than asking all your customers at once.
The filter knows the exact location where people post their review. So if everybody posts the review at the store location, for example, the filter will think it is a fake or spam review. Ask customers to leave reviews at their homes—in the HVAC industry, this works best right after a service call. This way, the reviews will be left in many locations making them more authentic for Google review filters.
Beyond the major platforms like Facebook and Yelp, check for industry platforms where customers can leave reviews. This gives you a diversified place where the reviews can be held.
I know that may seem like common sense, but frustration and temptation may drive you to do it. Focus on other things within your control to get the best outcome.
With these tips, business owners can handle the situation and be on their way to getting their reviews back. For business owners who don’t have the time CI Web Group, Inc is a top digital marketing agency that can help you navigate your vanishing Google Reviews.